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File List | 1991-09-24 | 48.4 KB | 731 lines |
- Communications Programs
- Location of files 001A
- 11B0707.ZIP 23395 07-07-89 File originally named dtp11b.zip
- 121_V23.ZIP 75251 06-28-88 One_to_one personal comm. software, v2.3
- 16550.ZIP 4197 07-27-88 Set fifo buffer on 16550 UART
- 192HST10.ZIP 13463 12-02-88 19,200 setup util for HST's. very good.
- 1CHECKER.ZIP 37264 02-21-89 Public domain Zmodem implementation
- 440.ZIP 57748 11-21-87 Control Kenwood 440/940's from keyboard
- 450BAUD.ZIP 3239 03-19-89 Running 300 baud modem at 450
- 9600_12C.ZIP 11079 01-19-91 Text file for the HST modems
- A2T21.ZIP 11073 12-26-89 A Telix dial directory program
- AAAPCP34.ZIP 49714 01-29-89 PC Pursuit + ProComm dialer ver. 3.4
- AC.ZIP 23545 05-02-87 Gilbrech's great area code finder.
- ACCESS11.ZIP 73259 09-14-89 PC/fax/answer share 1 phone _ calls pager
- ACOMCLIP.ZIP 8283 03-01-87 Clipper comm routines_asm source
- AC_11FEB.ZIP 259552 02-18-91 The comprehensive area code and exchange
- ADD.ZIP 74726 02-20-89 Radio antenna design version 2.0
- ADIAL20.ZIP 168461 04-25-89 "A" dialer for PC_Pursuit and it looks good
- ADIALDIR.ZIP 39476 07-09-89 Dialing directory for "a"dialer20 for around
- ADL.ZIP 16449 07-10-87 Auto_download utility for use w procomm
- AIO.ZIP 34646 10-14-86 Auto phone dialer.
- ALAD130.ZIP 347610 08-21-90 Aladdin Term to be used on GENIE (pay service
- ALAD141.EXE 231936 02-15-91 A program to use Genie
- ALADDIN.ZIP 154337 11-03-88 Use with Genie services good
- ALLOCATE.ZIP 850 03-19-89 Create and write to a file f/pctech
- AM100.ZIP 250762 12-15-90 AutoMatic logon using Qmodem
- AMBER.ZIP 503 11-14-86 Turn RGB monitor to amber ram_resident
- AMSATSW.ZIP 3904 10-17-88 Amsat softwate available (ham radio)
- ANSICODE.ZIP 4529 07-04-88 Compl. control sequences for ansi.sys
- AP100.ZIP 55615 03-15-91 AutoPuma v1.0 - Adds automatic Puma downloads
- | and more to Telix.
- AP102.ZIP 76146 04-15-91 Telix script auto-starts Puma and Bimodem
- | Downloads, exits Telix if left unattended,
- | other features
- APCP38.ZIP 76500 01-10-91 PC_Pursuit / ProComm dial command files
- APILOT12.ZIP 66824 10-23-89 Auto send programs up to a PCBoard
- ARCODE.ZIP 6404 07-25-89 Will show area codes of all states
- ASC_CHAR.ZIP 9339 03-19-87 Three large ASCII fonts for screen display
- ASYCLS10.ZIP 6691 04-04-91 Asynchronous class to handle serial
- | communication. source included, written and
- | tested with Turbo C++ 1.0
- | modems. If you are confused this will help
- ASYNCOM.ZIP 63508 07-28-87 Qsend/Qrecv files btwn incomp computers
- AT.ZIP 1507 01-21-86 Send AT commands to your modem from DOS
- ATHELP.ZIP 20373 01-10-90 At command help for modem
- ATI2400.ZIP 1763 10-22-88 For use with the ati 2400etc.. modem _ pc+
- ATO526.ZIP 146182 05-24-87 Automated access to CompuServe messages
- ATO63A.ZIP 208698 03-18-91 AutoSIG v. 6.3a An intelligent terminal
- | program for access to CompuServe.
- ATOADV.ZIP 14954 01-28-88 Autosig v5.6 docs
- ATODV.ZIP 1180 01-23-88 Autosig v5.6 setup file for DesqView 2.0x
- ATOPRO24.ZIP 51602 09-21-86 Autoprcm v2.0 generate dl script procom 2.4x
- AUTODNLD.ZIP 3653 01-14-88 Can show you how to d l 9 files_ w scrip
- AUTOGEN2.ZIP 3595 07-11-88 Great telix 3.11 auto script generator
- AUTOMS.ZIP 12101 04-02-88 Automatically create a Qmodem scrip file
- AUTOPIB.ZIP 1358 01-29-86 Pibterm script file generator (bas)
- AUTOPRC1.ZIP 51615 09-21-86 Makes auto-download script w/ProComm v2.4
- AUTOPRCM.ZIP 40282 05-07-86 Add Kermit to ExecPC system
- AUTOPRO1.ZIP 51615 09-21-86 Create command files for ProComm v2.4
- AUTO_GEN.ZIP 4416 07-11-88 Auto generator for Telix 3.0
- AVGZ11.ZIP 15902 11-09-89 DSZ log analyzer version 1.1 nice_
- BANDAID.ZIP 62971 08-18-87 Bandaid v1.1 program for ham radio operators
- BAUDCHG.ZIP 3668 06-22-87 Baudchg v1.1, change baud rate utility - TSR
- BBPHBETA.ZIP 57417 09-12-89 Byte Brothers Powernode H beta
- BBPOWERF.ZIP 68386 04-03-89 Bytebro Powernode Zmodem/Jmodem/BiModem
- BBPOWERH.ZIP 124267 11-18-89 Powernode H / Z, J, Bi, Lynx, SuperK shell
- BBPOWERI.ZIP 128114 02-16-90 Powernode I /Moby-Z,lynx,Puma,SuperK,Bi
- BBS1190.ZIP 55988 11-01-90 Another list of bbs's around the country
- | dated 11/90
- BCOMM.ZIP 15446 01-10-91 Back comm multi_tasking communications.
- BD14_199.ZIP 49748 03-01-89 Download and Upload at the same time
- BETAJMOD.ZIP 3125 11-03-88 Jmodem beta ver 1.15 com file only
- BEWCONV.ZIP 14193 09-19-90 Lets you batch upload in Qmodem.
- BEXE_200.ZIP 255652 08-27-88 Binkley term ver. 2.0
- BHDX142.ZIP 22927 03-11-89 Buzzhost deluxe v 1.42 for Telix 3.xx
- BILLBORD.ZIP 10334 03-25-86 Scrolls big messages sideways on monitor.
- BIMENU92.ZIP 31989 03-02-89 Front end menu for BiModem protocol
- BIMOD124.ZIP 181238 11-11-90 Bimodem protocol 11-90
- BIMOD_Q.ZIP 1448 12-29-88 Script file to use BiModem with Qmodem
- BINGO4.ZIP 24455 08-14-89 Sounds a alarm after Zmodem file transfer's
- BIXBLINK.ZIP 800 08-22-86 ProComm cmd to blink BIX messages.
- BNU.ZIP 73874 10-26-89 Fossil Driver for comm programs and doors
- | that need a Fossil Driver
- BOSTLXLG.ZIP 2216 08-13-88 Salt script for Telix 3.0
- BOY401_A.ZIP 185695 07-25-89 BoyanTerm v4.01 - Communications program
- BOY401_B.ZIP 127811 07-25-89 BoyanTerm v4.01 - Disk 2 of 2
- BRAIN_V3.ZIP 46589 05-01-87 A programmable telecommunications program.
- BUT204.ZIP 80516 06-23-86 v2.04 _ Modem Butler _ unattended com prgm
- B_INFO.ZIP 4131 08-06-89 Boyan term program info
- CALCTIME.ZIP 30806 06-02-87 Calc. up download time for Xmodem
- CALLBBS4.ZIP 106160 08-03-86 db3 front end to Crosstalk _ very good
- CALLFWD.TXT 2176 03-18-91 Disable callwaiting a novel way
- CALWAIT3.ZIP 64164 09-15-89 Latest call_waiting help
- CAN.ZIP 181770 06-03-89 Client _ notes tickler/dialer/reports
- CARDFILE.ZIP 31677 09-14-87 A popup phone index dialer
- CASLNG.ZIP 111462 01-15-88 Xtalk mk4 Norton Guides database
- CBBS_12.ZIP 99497 11-21-90 Freeware .exe module for Quickbbs 2.6x
- CCITTV42.ZIP 10977 08-28-88 Background _ history. ccitt v.42 standard
- CHAT.ZIP 7121 12-20-86 Chat function for Microstuff remote
- CLEANLOG.ZIP 10778 05-23-87 Makes Qmodem 3.0 log more readable.
- CLINK34.ZIP 38750 12-27-89 Clink 1.20 with com3/4 support dos 3.x
- CLOSEDOR.ZIP 67217 03-08-91 Door to run when system is down
- CMODEM.ZIP 4464 03-19-89 Modem prog in C for Hayes
- CNETSCRP.ZIP 743 06-13-89 Telix script file for c_net 4.0 systems.
- CNVRT300.ZIP 9775 04-21-87 Convert Qmodem 2.2 files for 3.0 form
- COMHELP.ZIP 62051 10-13-86 Superb RS232 diagnostic utility program
- COMM3.ZIP 11089 05-06-86 Set up PC XT with 3rd comm port
- COMMDEV.ZIP 28347 12-29-86 RS232 comm driver v2.5 IBM/TI prog tool w/asm
- COMMIX.ZIP 35457 10-02-87 Modem_cable software network
- COMMO453.ZIP 105018 03-29-91 Commo v4.53 - General purpose communications
- | program.
- COMMUTR.ZIP 11484 03-08-87 A very good discussion of comm programs
- COMPROTO.ZIP 18110 01-03-91 Informative text from Hayes Microcomputer
- | Products about modems, protocols and speeds.
- | A "must have" for the new telecommunications
- | user and a great refresher for the "old Pro".
- COMSET.ZIP 13393 05-07-89 Like Comzap,but makes COM'D.COM read only
- COMSET6.ZIP 14734 10-10-89 Ver 6.0 setup/test modem/uart to 19200bps
- COMSETT.ZIP 2878 10-16-90 Set com ports on your MODEM
- COMTEST.ZIP 11895 05-24-87 View stat of com1
- COMTOI.ZIP 1821 03-19-89 Convert external process to internal
- COMTUTOR.ZIP 27012 05-27-87 Communications tutor
- COM_PKG.ZIP 23225 03-19-89 Serial port routines/int. driven comm port
- CONBOYAN.ZIP 10932 03-01-87 Convert ProComm Qmodem phonedir to Boyan
- CONV_CNF.ZIP 5132 11-12-87 Qmodem cnf convert utility
- CPORT1.ZIP 4384 05-13-86 Use to check out your com ports
- CSP101.ZIP 25680 04-07-91 Uses Microsoft C compiler as Telix SALT
- | preprocessor.
- CVTFON2A.ZIP 60869 08-02-88 CVTfon v2.0a comm prg fon/dir converter
- CW_HAYES.ZIP 2182 09-03-86 Disables call waiting. incl. doc
- CXMODEM.ZIP 25412 09-13-89 New version of Cmodem VER 1.21
- D20UP1.ZIP 16123 08-01-89 "A"dialer version 2.0 update 1 that extends
- DBBS.ZIP 603 02-26-86 Script file for dbbs for Qmodem 2.0
- DEADMAN.ZIP 3711 07-27-87 Send periodic messages to a remote sys.
- DELUXE2.ZIP 313669 09-08-90 New release of Qmail Deluxe2 offline mail
- | reader.
- DEMON25.ZIP 36346 07-04-90 DEMON HST v2.5 - Configuration utility for
- | the USR HST modem. A MUST HAVE for high
- | speed file transfers.
- DEMONHST.ZIP 23814 06-14-90 This program sets your 14.4k USR HST
- DIAL8.ZIP 48435 04-21-88 Dialer with features ans source qb
- DIALER2.ZIP 5426 10-19-89 A tp dialing routine that works
- DIALM10.ZIP 48946 04-25-88 Dialer with mouse interface
- DIALSORT.ZIP 17443 03-29-87 Sort ProComm dir. on multiple keys
- DIRCOP32.ZIP 32609 08-14-89 Convert/import Telix,Bitcom,Qmodem,PC+, dir
- DL.ZIP 6410 06-04-87 Generate download scripts for ProComm
- DLX2FONT.ZIP 74778 09-08-90 Font files for EGA/VGA systems using Qmail
- DLX2UPDT.ZIP 111249 03-04-91 For current users of pre v1.10 Qmail Deluxe-2
- DL_LIST.ZIP 2720 11-20-88 Script for Telix batch downloads
- DOSMODM.ZIP 6387 03-20-89 Com port control from DOS
- DPHONE.ZIP 1838 02-23-86 Program to dial phone in dBase II
- DSK_FILE.ZIP 4325 04-11-86 Send entire disk via modem.
- DSZ0416.ZIP 86783 04-16-91 DSZ for April 16. 1991. Update of "handshake
- DSZ0416X.ZIP 40626 04-16-91 DSZ exe version 4/16/1991
- DSZ404BG.ZIP 34575 04-03-91 4-4-91 Add'l background info on DSZ usage.
- DSZBOOT.ZIP 18374 08-30-87 Add Zmodem protocol to Telix vers. 2.xx
- DSZNEW.ZIP 3392 04-16-91 What's new in the *4/16/91* ver. of DSZ.COM.
- DSZTUTOR.ZIP 18253 07-10-89 Slick on-screen tutorial on DSZ parameters
- DSZUNP.ZIP 689 06-16-88 Get rid of commercial in DSZ program
- DSZ_ZAP6.ZIP 16089 09-04-87 Zmodem menu for ProComm Telix
- DTERM1.ZIP 5707 03-20-89 Terminal emulator _ test program
- DTPALLTD.ZIP 3290 02-25-88 Patches to ProComm+ tst dr as of 2_25_88
- DUAL_STD.ZIP 3459 11-17-88 Info on the new US Robotic's HST modem
- DVSETUP.ZIP 1614 10-06-87 Desqview Qmodem 3.1 setup examples w dvp
- DYMDMCMP.ZIP 1003 09-19-86 Compare Ymodem downloads four programs
- D_CUBE.ZIP 77236 01-01-86 Ver 1.8b of Dorn Stickles comm prgm (com doc)
- EGAMODEM.ZIP 44820 08-24-86 EGA modem file xfer + diags
- EM_15.ZIP 68680 05-24-88 Qedit type ed for remote (doors) use
- EST_101.ZIP 7113 11-10-89 Estimate Zmodem xfer times/batch _
- ETERM5.ZIP 41994 06-26-86 Powerful smart terminal/communication prgm.
- EW_V22.ZIP 52907 07-09-90 Remotely operate a PC with your modem.
- EXCHLST.ZIP 12642 01-12-87 PC_Pursuit tele exchange lists 1 2 3
- EXECPCT2.ZIP 72406 03-29-86 Exec PC_talk ver. 2.0. good enhancement.
- EXTERNAL.ZIP 92839 03-15-87 Sealink, Kermit other protocols
- FASTPL.ZIP 1268 02-12-88 Speed up screen writes in ProComm Plus
- FASTPLOT.ZIP 7270 09-14-88 Sends file contents to com port
- FASTSST.ZIP 1252 11-09-87 Speed up Qmodem screen writes
- FD200.ZIP 51234 02-27-88 Field day logger duper for ham operator
- FILEMARK.ZIP 9059 01-05-88 Grab filename from screen _ pass to bbs
- FIX.ZIP 15771 09-26-89 Repairs data files in WWIV 4.10 bbs sys
- FIXPCP11.ZIP 1317 04-06-88 Fix opening screen ProComm +
- FIX_PCP.ZIP 8608 02-14-88 Remove ProComm Plus opening screen
- FLASHLNK.ZIP 4580 11-27-89 MNP level 5 communications software info.
- FOLIS20.ZIP 33730 01-06-90 Use your modem to monitor phone calls .
- FONLOG20.ZIP 32574 08-20-88 Phone log for all calls ProComm Plus
- FREE.ZIP 8317 11-30-89 Bytes free in logged drive
- FREEMAG.ZIP 579 06-26-90 Offer for free Telecomm. magazine
- FSTHST22.ZIP 15617 08-10-90 Fast HST setup program ver. 2.2
- GATEWAY2.ZIP 6387 07-24-87 View screen during drop to DOS on bbs
- GENERAL.ZIP 26172 06-10-89 Ham radio..General test 3b Q & A
- GENIECIS.ZIP 2779 07-03-88 Genie _ CIS scripts for Telix 3.0
- GETFILE1.ZIP 13147 04-19-91 GetFile v1.1 - Automatically gets the file
- | descriptions when you download. Now includes
- | documentation.
- GLASSTTY.ZIP 1159 03-20-89 Dumb IBM tty _ uses com_pkg.lqr
- GRABB3.ZIP 38059 08-20-89 Grabber v3.0 - Make .COM files of captured
- | screens.
- GSZHINT.ZIP 1549 11-21-90 New DSZ program title screen and what is
- | to come.. New name will be GSZ
- GT1600_1.ZIP 140334 12-15-90 GT PowerComm v16.00 - 1 of 6
- GT1600_2.ZIP 170962 12-20-90 Gt PowerComm v16.00 - 2 of 6
- GT1600_3.ZIP 69531 12-15-90 GT PowerComm v16.00 - 3 of 6
- GT1600_4.ZIP 109406 12-20-90 GT PowerComm v16.00 - 4 of 6
- GT1600_5.ZIP 73643 12-15-90 GT PowerComm v16.00 - 5 of 6
- GT1600_6.ZIP 130057 12-16-90 GT PowerComm v16.00 - 6 of 6
- GTFIX.ZIP 1357 10-09-87 Fix GT1300 so it will not lockup.
- GTMISC.ZIP 10265 07-27-88 Gtpower bbs comm prgm. use LHARC
- GTO1403A.ZIP 93179 04-10-89 Gtpower comm only. at ver. use LHARC
- GTPCPS4D.ZIP 9520 05-02-88 Gt power scripts for PCPursuit.
- GTPCPS4_.ZIP 11704 07-15-88 The best PC-Pursuit script- dl gtpcpd40
- GTSCRIPT.ZIP 6784 11-19-86 Sample script for GTPowercomm
- GT_CISB.ZIP 17397 07-21-87 Compuserve B protocol for Qmodem etc....
- GUARDSLT.ZIP 2753 03-08-89 Reboot Telix host remotely w guard.zip
- HAM1.ZIP 117416 06-12-86 Lots of ham radio utilities 1 of 3
- HAM436.ZIP 142640 05-02-86 A nice collection of ham support pgms.
- HAMCOMM.ZIP 90661 12-05-90 Ham radio communications program
- HAML1289.ZIP 9956 11-30-89 12_01_89 ver us _ foreign ham _ swl bbs list
- HAMMISC1.ZIP 140745 02-26-86 A collection of misc.. ham radio pgms
- HAMMODEM.ZIP 1556 11-10-86 Use hayes for packet radio
- HAMRAD.ZIP 12042 06-22-86 Ham radio utilities
- HAMUTIL1.ZIP 143831 01-02-87 Ham radio programs
- HAMUTIL2.ZIP 108738 05-15-86 Misc. amateur radio programs
- HAMYAESU.ZIP 28895 09-14-88 Ham radio _ control Yaesu ft_757gx
- HANDSHAK.ZIP 1333 11-22-88 Explanation of handshaking in dsz
- HAYES24B.ZIP 3396 09-08-86 Smartmodem 2400b quick reference
- HAYES96.ZIP 5041 06-18-87 Info on new Hayes 9600 baud modem
- HAYESNCW.ZIP 17058 09-06-87 Work around for call_waiting interrupts.
- HAYESV42.ZIP 2577 08-21-88 Hayes ccitt v.42 announcement
- HOST43.ZIP 94841 05-01-90 Latest Telix host
- HOST44.ZIP 129667 10-27-90 Telix Host scripts v. 4.4
- HOSTFIX.ZIP 4022 06-15-87 Patch for bug in ProComm host mode
- HOSTSCR.ZIP 9563 12-03-87 Host scripts for Qmodem.
- HOTK_Z53.ZIP 31598 02-25-89 Hotkey Zmodem, Jmodem's comm interface
- HOTK_Z60.ZIP 40808 03-31-89 Tag files for upload in comm package
- HOTLINE.ZIP 145913 05-21-87 Different checks for your phone line
- HPBQMQM.ZIP 2146 01-09-91 A download script file for Qmodem
- HPSCRIPT.ZIP 59576 04-28-86 Scripts for HyperAccess by Hillgraeve.
- HST1440.ZIP 22266 07-31-90 Program and doc. to set up your HST
- HST20A.ZIP 126859 03-09-89 Setup your HST with this utility
- HSTCNFIG.ZIP 21482 03-16-91 Configure your new US Robotics Courier HST
- | the FAST way! (Includes KUTSGLUE.ZIP)...
- HSTRESET.ZIP 28985 01-10-91 Places modem offhook from DOS
- HST_SET4.ZIP 10025 02-15-91 Instruction on setting up your HST with
- | different programs.
- HYPERP11.ZIP 45993 12-31-90 Hyper Protocol Module
- IBMASYNC.ZIP 31462 09-01-86 Communicate w other computers DEC/VAX
- IBMODEM.ZIP 8048 04-25-86 Communications program
- ICEX203.ZIP 86408 06-03-88 PC Pursuit auto-everything _ver 2.03
- ICOM.ZIP 1614 02-04-88 Ham radio _ some mods for icon vhf rigs
- ICPR20.ZIP 48755 07-09-87 PC_Pursuit auto menu dial utility
- ICPR20C.ZIP 35863 07-09-87 Procomm PC-Pursuit cmd files from icpr20
- IDCCOM12.ZIP 137170 10-27-90 IDC com bbs v1.2
- IL.ZIP 20744 06-27-88 Background comm program
- ILINK.ZIP 19218 03-09-87 Background comm dialer_pretty good
- IMP243.ZIP 114 03-20-89 CP/M_80: improved modem program (great_)
- INT14COM.ZIP 1170 03-20-89 Comm prg for PC_Net
- INTRAFA.ZIP 62404 07-08-87 Version 1.0 modem interface diagnostics
- INTRCOM.ZIP 3026 03-20-89 Bare bones int.driven comm routine
- INVLINK.ZIP 19061 05-01-87 Background dialing _ comm prog
- INVSLINK.ZIP 19218 03-09-87 Download in the background .
- IO.ZIP 356 11-22-86 Screen light for floppy/hd/hardcard
- IS16550.ZIP 3405 06-16-89 Is there a 16550 chip in your computer ??
- ISE.ZIP 38167 11-09-86 Timer for ProComm use with command files
- Communications
- Location of files 001B
- JAXHOST2.ZIP 27680 03-03-86 Run your PC from remote site
- JAXHOST3.ZIP 37244 08-08-86 SM.host comm w DOS access callback + ..
- JLBLINK.ZIP 302671 10-18-90 Smart terminal program for use on BIX
- JMODM308.ZIP 85924 01-02-91 Latest version of the Jmodem protocol driver.
- JRTALK.ZIP 22968 09-19-86 Communication prg for the JR w internal modem
- JRTELE21.ZIP 56019 04-03-88 Communications program for PCjr only
- K9X86_1.ZIP 239403 07-14-89 Really nice comm. software ready to run
- | Many different protocols including Super8K,
- | Jmodem, Zmodem, and others. Has other nice,
- | unique features. 1 of 4
- K9X86_2.ZIP 101945 06-27-89 K9X86 Comm. software...... 2 of 4
- K9X86_3.ZIP 228348 06-27-89 K9X86 Comm. software...... 3 of 4
- K9X86_4.ZIP 196275 04-17-89 K9X86 Comm. software...... 4 of 4
- KEMRT231.ZIP 70221 08-13-88 Kermit 2.31 columbia vt102 tek 4010 emulation
- KERMIT.EXE 145888 03-06-91 Latest MSKERMIT 3.02 25 Feb 91 from Columbia
- KERMIT.ZIP 7482 03-20-89 Kermit protocol as desc.in BYTE Jul./Aug.
- LIB231.ZIP 231517 05-11-90 Great automation program for Telix 3.12
- LIBOWLS.ZIP 877 09-03-90 Liberator config and my command file for this
- LIBRT11.ZIP 50912 04-21-89 Liberator Telix script version 1.1
- LN_NOISE.ZIP 3560 03-10-88 Good info on telephone line noise.
- LOGGIT.ZIP 34256 03-04-89 Detailed analysis of Telix.use log file
- LOG_USER.ZIP 2535 09-17-86 Limit single user program use on a net
- LOOPYAGI.ZIP 1769 08-04-86 UHF ham radio loop yagi antenna design
- LOOSEUHF.ZIP 2202 08-18-89 Hams *read this*. taking uhf and up now_
- LYNC10.ZIP 47277 12-22-90 Lync v1.0 -- small communications program
- | with built-in Zmodem.
- LYNX302.ZIP 33299 09-16-89 Lynx file transfer protocol version 3.02
- MAPPER86.ZIP 157302 02-04-89 Ultimate ham radio propagation tool
- MAPR87.ZIP 175871 01-16-89 Ultimate ham radio tool needs math coprocsr.
- MASTRDOS.ZIP 46319 05-13-87 Great dos shell w Xmodem and vt100
- MAXWELL.ZIP 2085 03-20-89 R_V Maxwell _ Qmodem setup tips
- MCOM103.ZIP 75964 03-05-86 Unique comm program, Doc's included
- MDM.ZIP 965 04-15-86 Modem lights on screen
- MDM_CONN.ZIP 2773 06-23-86 Modem RS232 pin out _ description
- MDOSDEF.ZIP 2109 03-20-89 Include file for Dterm program
- MEGALINK.ZIP 28254 08-29-87 File transfer protocol _ external protocol dr
- MH111190.ZIP 184973 11-11-90 Maxihost (11/11/90) - Samle shareware
- MINIMU.ZIP 64384 09-04-87 Ham radio_ radio wave propag. forecaster
- MINITELS.ZIP 107143 06-12-89 Access Minitel Videotex Info System
- MLINK16.ZIP 28254 08-29-87 V1.6 of Megalink external protocol
- MMM10.ZIP 142748 01-21-89 Midnight modem madness download at night
- MNU.ZIP 73874 10-26-89 Fossil Driver For Communications and Doors
- | that Need a Fossil Driver
- MOBYTRBO.ZIP 1582 01-28-90 Info on DSZ's Moby Turbo mode and what it
- MODBUTLR.ZIP 65524 06-18-86 Modem Butler _ unattended communications
- MODEM.ZIP 12801 11-16-88 Modems for beginners discussion
- MODEMDR.ZIP 35979 11-24-89 Complete modem and UART diagnostics
- MODMPROT.ZIP 6342 03-20-89 Xmodem protocol doc
- MONOPL.ZIP 1242 02-15-88 Patch ProComm+ to use with a mono system
- MOUSPRCM.ZIP 4391 07-24-87 Mouse menu for ProComm 2.4.2
- MSGVU121.ZIP 44141 08-19-87 Scan read save Dbbs messages
- MSK31DOC.ZIP 59329 03-26-91 MS-DOS Kermit protocol Docs
- MSKRT310.ZIP 299275 03-20-91 MS-DOS Kermit protocol
- MSZ0626.ZIP 81183 06-26-90 Zmodem version dated 06/26/90
- MT224E.ZIP 2806 11-16-87 Info on Multitech modems (224e model)
- MT224EH9.ZIP 11520 12-09-88 Multitech error correction setup
- MTECH224.ZIP 2207 07-03-87 Describes setup for Multitech 224e
- MWORD22.ZIP 189533 12-01-90 Ihost (11/11/90); Samle shareware BBSMaxiHost
- M_PCM242.ZIP 5590 03-23-87 PC_Mouse menus for ProComm 2.4.2
- M_TLX210.ZIP 5137 03-23-87 PC_Mouse menus for Telix 2.10 _ 2.12
- NETMAIL.ZIP 25873 04-27-88 Netmail documentation _ GT power
- NEWCHANL.ZIP 5313 11-25-89 Minnesota scanner frequencies
- NMODM163.ZIP 35990 01-28-91 Nmodem v1.63 - File transfer protocol that
- | sends 2048K data blocks and uses a 16 bit
- | CRC for high reliability in rough conditions.
- NOINFO.ZIP 1652 10-04-86 Erase ProComm v 2.4 opening screen
- NOISE.ZIP 3750 05-28-87 Detailed discussion of line noise problems
- NOISE1.ZIP 2476 01-10-91 Simple phone line noise filter
- NOISE2.ZIP 4568 12-05-88 Best fix for noisy telephone lines____
- NONOISE.ZIP 3101 02-29-88 Cut down line noise. interesting.
- NS16550.ZIP 3826 08-29-89 Check to see what RS232 chip you have.
- NULLXFER.ZIP 9920 02-13-87 Transfer files using null modem
- NULMDMGX.ZIP 6775 05-27-89 (.MAC) illustration of null modem wiring
- OMEGA210.ZIP 104570 03-10-88 A nice new comm. pgm. (self un-arching)
- OMEGACOM.ZIP 41280 12-28-86 Great public domain comm program
- ONLINE.ZIP 51611 05-25-86 Monitor carrier status on des. serial port
- OPMED300.ZIP 119808 11-01-90 Fidonet compatible message reader (Opus
- | and compatible CBCS)
- ORBS141.ZIP 65903 05-11-88 Ham satellite tracking pgm turbo basic
- OZBXT111.ZIP 59954 05-08-89 Ozbext comm prog v. 11.1e 4 29 89
- OZCOM1.ZIP 52616 06-07-86 A communications program
- OZRLE94D.ZIP 82561 09-24-89 Allows viewing while on line.
- PACKCOM.ZIP 59065 03-14-87 Packet comm prgm. _ ham radio
- PATCH11A.ZIP 3159 07-18-88 New patches ProComm plus 1.1a
- PATCH11B.ZIP 15469 09-22-88 Patch for ProComm 1.1b from Datastorm
- PATCH2.ZIP 11325 07-26-88 C. Dunfords file patching_ better debug
- PATCH30.ZIP 68142 01-13-86 Patches for IBM/PC DOS version 3.0 (com doc+)
- PATCH32B.ZIP 85813 01-15-87 Official IBM patches _ DOS 3.2 3/8/87
- PATCHBAS.ZIP 4073 01-21-86 Run BASICA on jr. w/o cartridge
- PCBAR31A.ZIP 28357 05-10-87 PCBarc 3.1a _maint.update to support 9600b.
- PCBBI.ZIP 3893 03-27-91 Bimodem batch files for upload and download
- PCCMDSUM.ZIP 18440 09-26-86 ProComm v2.4 command file summery
- PCDOC.ZIP 89850 09-22-86 Documentation for ProComm 2.4
- PCFMT.ZIP 42788 07-23-88 Formats ProComm aspect scripts
- PCHAM1.ZIP 59658 12-08-87 Ham radio operator programs (1 of 2)
- PCHAM2.ZIP 63890 12-08-87 Ham radio operator programs (2 of 2)
- PCLIBR.ZIP 303 02-25-87 PClib script for gt1000.arx comm pro
- PCMMOUSE.ZIP 13507 03-06-87 Mouse systems menus for ProComm 2.4.2
- PCOMCSER.ZIP 1312 08-16-87 ProComm cmd. file for Compuserve logon
- PCPBAT.ZIP 3104 08-29-88 Start pcp+ in dialing dir
- PCPDIALB.ZIP 53448 07-04-87 PcPursut and Telix dialer pgm great
- PCPDIALC.ZIP 53162 07-04-87 PCP Telix dialer hd version
- PCPLUS.ZIP 1164 11-18-87 Information about new ProComm
- PCPLUSDV.ZIP 21046 10-29-88 Use deskview w/ProComm, Zmodem, etc......
- PCPLUSRT.ZIP 31019 02-11-88 Sorts ProComm+ dialing directories
- PCPMAC.ZIP 874 01-10-88 PC Pursuit keybd.. macros for ProComm.
- PCPMAN.ZIP 24313 12-04-87 Users guide for PC Pursuit
- PCPPATB.ZIP 14749 09-12-88 Patches for ProComm+ 1.1b from Datastorm
- PCPREC.ZIP 40482 07-08-89 PC Pursuit recorder for Boyan term program
- PCPSCRPT.ZIP 3444 12-07-86 Collection of script file for PC_Pursuit
- PCPSUIT.ZIP 2434 07-31-89 Information on PC_Pursuit.
- PCP_CIRC.ZIP 9203 12-03-86 PC_Pursuit circ. dialing script ProComm
- PCP_GT.ZIP 30300 03-16-87 PC_Pursuit script file for GT_Powercomm
- PCP_HELP.ZIP 1886 09-24-89 Qmodem 4.1 macro quickly shows all PC Pursuit
- PCP_PAL.ZIP 32422 01-01-87 ProComm 2.4 command file to dial PC Pursuit
- PCP_READ.ZIP 5673 12-31-88 Use PC Pursuit? read this and act_
- PCT700XA.ZIP 81818 08-14-86 Official PC_Talk version 7.0xa
- PCTQMD.ZIP 4062 03-20-89 Source to convert PCTalk dir to Qmodem
- PCTRLX.ZIP 4086 04-25-86 Merge to enhance PC_Talk iii Xmodem receive
- PCVC01.ZIP 115239 12-25-86 Visual/voice conferencing program
- PCVT90.ZIP 106752 11-02-87 PC_VT vt100 terminal emulator _ ver 9.0
- PCZ406.ZIP 68515 11-27-90 PCZ v4.06.90 - Public Domain implementation
- | of Zmodem, Ymodem, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K and
- | Sealink for the IBM PC family.
- PC_ASP.ZIP 6006 05-13-88 PC+ script files for library.
- PC_BROWS.ZIP 210539 10-29-89 Hypertext pgm from Quicksoft (pc_write).
- PC_CODE.ZIP 4541 10-29-86 Morse code trainer in BASIC
- PC_FAX.ZIP 121817 05-26-89 German program to make your computer a FAX
- PC_TALK.ZIP 115588 04-15-90 Easy to use comm program
- PC_TIPS.ZIP 8213 01-18-87 Tips on PC Pursuit use.
- PC_VCO13.ZIP 115185 12-21-86 Visual conferencing. interesting
- PEAK14K.ZIP 18552 09-22-90 Peak your HST 14.4 for the best throughput
- PF22.ZIP 8329 09-28-89 Port finder v 2.2 , swap port addresses
- PFPLUS11.ZIP 86706 03-16-88 ProComm plus phone dir editor 1.01
- PGSHX12E.ZIP 1431 04-02-86 Princeton hx12e contrast control fix
- PH20187.ZIP 10168 03-29-87 Telephone exchange finder 1.01b _ neat_
- PHELP.ZIP 14229 01-10-91 Online ProComm help
- PHOENIX.ZIP 4503 10-21-87 List of error codes for Phoenix bios
- PHONE.ZIP 16613 11-25-88 Database_like phone list generator. + source
- PHONE110.ZIP 14283 11-22-87 Very good phone dialer_quick _ easy
- PHONEM.ZIP 20484 03-19-88 Takes phone messages for you.
- PHONES32.ZIP 27564 10-07-89 Phones 3.2 MS Windows phone dialer w/database
- PHONET.ZIP 41502 03-04-87 Phone msg system for networks
- PHONE_SS.ZIP 1258 05-23-88 Stops call waiting problems with modems
- PHOTO.ZIP 64151 01-13-86 High res. graphic photos
- PHRASE.ZIP 25195 04-08-91 Lists poor words phrases in a text file
- PHXBEEP.ZIP 4233 08-03-88 Explains Phoenix bios beep codes _ error mess
- PIBSORT.ZIP 9952 04-05-86 Sort Pibterm phone directory.
- PIBT41E1.ZIP 91555 03-23-88 Version 4.1.3 of Pibterm
- PIBTDQ.ZIP 13393 04-23-86 Update Pibterm for DesqV. compatibility
- PK232COM.ZIP 140704 05-06-89 Packet radio PK232 tnc program_great_
- PNH.ZIP 19940 06-09-87 Auto phone dialer by Steve Hastings
- POE.ZIP 69515 07-22-87 Great ProComm 2.4x ext protocol system
- POE113PL.ZIP 44667 01-30-90 Latest update for poe _ for Zmodem file
- POE120.ZIP 43983 02-17-88 Superb protocol enhancer for ProComm+
- POPCLK.ZIP 2079 07-19-86 Nice hot key clock ok for use w modem
- POWER.ZIP 871 10-10-86 Turbo prolog exponentiation pgm.
- PPE25B.ZIP 63337 07-22-87 ProComm protocol enhancer
- PPLUSBUG.ZIP 1759 02-25-88 Bugs ? dialing with ProComm plus
- PRC24DOC.ZIP 81966 09-22-86 ProComm v2.42 documentation
- PRCDIR.ZIP 14723 01-22-87 Converts ProComm dial dir to ASCII - BAK
- PRCM242.ZIP 97948 01-26-87 Patch ProComm 2.4.2 to work with DOS 3.2
- PRCMALT2.ZIP 81128 10-23-87 Use with ProComm for ext. protocols
- PRCMALTA.ZIP 39207 08-19-87 ProComm util to use Zmodem protocol
- PRCMBAR.ZIP 3350 05-18-87 Lotus-like menu for ProComm w slashbar
- PRCMCRIB.ZIP 5166 01-01-80 A crib sheet with ProComm commands
- PRCMDL.ZIP 20511 12-31-86 ProComm script files
- PRCMDOCP.ZIP 82419 12-05-88 ProComm v2.4.3 manual
- PRCMFIXS.ZIP 31073 07-19-87 A bunch of fixes for ProComm 2.42.
- PRCMJR24.ZIP 1701 11-14-86 Use ProComm on PCjr
- PRCMSO.ZIP 6220 01-24-87 Sort ProComm directory - New version
- PRCMST11.ZIP 10827 01-09-87 ProComm 2.4 dialing directory sort v.1.1
- PRCMV24C.ZIP 58177 09-22-86 ProComm command generator.
- PRCM_DSZ.ZIP 3356 02-13-88 Finally use DSZ and ProComm-plus
- PRCM_EXT.ZIP 4894 02-29-88 More good stuff on DSZ and ProComm
- PRCPRM.ZIP 5672 05-09-86 Pass turbo procedure names as params
- PRCVT243.ZIP 7264 02-14-91 Convert ProComm 2.4.3 dial dir to ProComm
- | Plus 2.0
- PRC_MLNK.ZIP 2600 10-15-86 Runs ProComm in background with other pgm
- PRDIRSRT.ZIP 5639 11-11-86 ProComm directory sorter __ fast good
- PROC243.ZIP 97002 02-03-91 A great communication's program
- PROCM242.ZIP 119012 10-17-86 New ProComm prog. Oct.. 1986 ver 2.4.2
- PROCMDOC.ZIP 90702 10-07-86 ProComm version 2.4.2 doc files
- PROCOMDL.ZIP 19550 01-22-87 ProComm 2.4+ download script generator
- PRODEXPR.ZIP 5809 11-16-88 Print out 2 col.. prodex phone dir
- PROFON10.ZIP 55720 11-16-87 Manage your ProComm phone directory
- PROGRA12.ZIP 10660 04-10-91 Protocol Graph v1.2
- PROLOGI.ZIP 4468 01-02-87 Logimouse driver for ProComm2.4x
- PROLOG_T.ZIP 9222 05-19-87 Nice introduction to PROLOG (Tutorial)
- PROMESS.ZIP 63004 03-02-88 Describes ProComm plus problems
- PROMOS1.ZIP 8397 03-01-88 Mouse menu for ProComm plus and Zmodem
- PROMOUSE.ZIP 2861 03-08-87 Microsoft mouse driver for ProComm
- PROPLUS.ZIP 155755 02-16-88 ProComm plus communication prog.
- PROPUR.ZIP 4286 04-10-88 ProComm 2.4 utility
- PROSCRPT.ZIP 18040 01-14-87 New prog to create ProComm 2.2 3 scripts
- PROTEMP.ZIP 1734 06-04-86 Nice template for f keys for ProComm
- PROTIME.ZIP 42871 06-03-87 tef for prcm 2.42 all grown up
- PRPASPZ2.ZIP 4198 08-28-88 Add DSZ tp ProComm+ ii ... inc asp files
- PTP.ZIP 80818 09-11-86 Packet terminal program for ham radio users
- PUMA100.ZIP 64729 01-13-90 *** LYNX update with new filename
- PURSUIT.ZIP 7193 07-10-87 Information on PC Pursuit _ save _____
- Communications Programs
- Location Of Files 001C
- QANALYST.ZIP 123287 02-23-89 Qmodem phone log analyzer
- QANA_205.ZIP 168172 09-19-90 Qmodem Analyst Reads your qmodem log file
- | and gives you a report of what you did on
- | different bbs's VERY GOOD PROGRAM
- QCALL.ZIP 14613 04-15-87 Analyze Qmodem sst log files for call info_
- QF300PAT.ZIP 3362 05-15-87 Fixes some bugs in Qfonedit 3.0
- QFE42.ZIP 89709 09-01-90 Qfonfedit ver 4.2 for Qmodem 4.2
- QFE_403.ZIP 103785 08-06-89 Qmodem phone editor for qm 4.1 ver 4.03
- QFONE12C.ZIP 49338 01-09-86 Transit time no errors in sending
- QM41BJIV.ZIP 207547 10-06-89 Overlay for Qmodem 4.1b to add jive emulation
- QM42D2E.ZIP 284313 12-26-90 Qmodem update files only from ver "d" to "e"
- QM42F_1.ZIP 157335 01-21-91 Qmodem ver 42f 1of4
- QM42F_2.ZIP 202457 01-21-91 Qmodem ver 42f 2of4
- QM42F_3.ZIP 120537 01-21-91 Qmodem ver 42f 3of4
- QM42F_4.ZIP 245924 01-21-91 Qmodem ver 42f 4of4
- QM42MNU.ZIP 15102 09-05-90 Qmodem Mouse menu
- QM4EXT.ZIP 77320 01-09-88 External file transfer protocol's for
- | Qmodem 4.x. Includes batch files.
- QMBIMODM.ZIP 182704 03-03-91 Install BiModem as an external protocol in
- | Qmodem.
- QMDMSORT.ZIP 6794 10-01-85 C program to sort Qmodem directories
- QMDM_MSE.ZIP 26814 03-03-91 "Flop down" mouse menus for Qmodem 4.2
- QMFIX.ZIP 805 01-08-88 Remove initial screen from Qmodem
- QMM21.ZIP 20991 01-08-89 Telix 3.x script for qmail.
- QMMS40.ZIP 6495 03-29-89 Microsoft mouse menu for Qmodem 4.0
- QMODEMDF.ZIP 5678 09-03-90 Qmodem ver 4.2 modem setup file
- QMOUSE10.ZIP 4945 05-03-87 Qmouse v1.0 mouse driver for Qmodem sst
- QMPCP20.ZIP 5158 04-25-89 Qmodem script files
- QMSTAT14.ZIP 37406 01-07-91 Makes a calculation of the phone bill you're
- | going to pay for each modem call.
- | Portuguese Shareware by Joe Alves
- QMSU21A.ZIP 51477 10-31-89 Qmodem upload script file generator
- QMZSIG.ZIP 1416 08-19-88 End of transfer signal for Zmodem
- QNS310.ZIP 19956 11-27-90 Automate your mail transfers with PCBoards.
- QQQMODEM.ZIP 2589 07-07-87 Basic simulation call to secure system
- QSNIP2.ZIP 11750 10-28-90 A TSR that allows quoting within Qmodem.
- | It is compatible with the scroll back feature
- QUIKTALK.ZIP 48274 01-08-87 Comm pgm. Lotus menus ANSI shell more
- QUOTELIX.ZIP 37672 12-09-89 Capture and msg quoting utilities for Telix
- QVT318.ZIP 97605 10-12-88 VT220 emul.. + X Y Zmodem + more v. 3.18
- QWINDOWS.ZIP 13510 05-06-87 Does Windows in Quick Basic
- RACAL.ZIP 1762 12-08-86 Explanation of Racal protocol PC Pursuit
- RADIO.ZIP 7156 10-14-89 Ham and short wave spectrum chart
- RAGTAGPC.ZIP 4935 04-26-90 ProComm Plus script for using JH2 to add
- | Taglines to messages while on BBS.
- RAGTAGQM.ZIP 5905 04-26-90 Qmodem 4.x script for using JH2 to add
- | Taglines to messages while on BBS.
- RAGTAG_3.ZIP 7940 04-12-90 Telix Script for using JH2 to add taglines
- | to messages on BBS (when not using a Reader)
- RA_100.ZIP 506231 02-16-91 Remote Access BBS v. 1.00 FidoNet compatible
- RBCOMM33.ZIP 117764 02-03-91 RBcomm v3.31 - The "lean mean" comm program.
- RCOMM.ZIP 39213 06-10-87 TSR background communications program
- RCOMMV21.ZIP 39503 01-10-91 TSR comm package works in background.
- RINGBACK.ZIP 24834 04-11-87 Make any comm prg answer on 2nd call
- RLETRAP.ZIP 2161 12-22-86 RLE on_line graphics for ProComm
- RMTCTR22.ZIP 53685 09-14-89 Allows toggling your computers answering
- | ability remotely. Use your FAX, answering
- | machine or voice line and still have access
- | to your computer. All on a single phone line
- ROBIN10.ZIP 14930 05-08-87 ProComm round robin dialer
- ROBO30_A.ZIP 190939 03-25-91 RoboComm v3.0-Disk 1 of 2 - Automates your
- | PCBoard sessions.
- ROBO30_B.ZIP 182677 03-25-91 RoboComm v3.0-Disk 2 of 2 - Automates your
- | PCBoard sessions.
- RR2416.ZIP 126701 09-20-88 User_configurable online reference
- RS10.ZIP 37598 01-15-88 Ham radio _ rs10 11 satellite telem pgm
- RS232.ZIP 3690 12-23-86 Break-out-box emulator really works
- RS232V23.ZIP 3690 12-23-86 Monitor com port modem status tsr.
- RSTSXMDM.ZIP 6018 02-11-86 Xmodem for the DEC pdp running rsts/e
- RZSZ0589.ZIP 74632 05-25-89 Zmodem for UNIX/VAX/VMS _ 5 89
- RZSZ1ET2.ZIP 33835 12-02-86 11 86 version of Zmodem for UNIX systems
- RZSZ_VMS.ZIP 161081 09-12-90 VMS ZModem-90(Tm) Protocol Fast Reliable
- SALINE12.ZIP 10306 01-08-89 Collection of Telix 3.xx scripts
- SAT.ZIP 37288 04-07-99 A satellite tracking pgm (ham radio)
- SCATLINK.ZIP 3696 08-04-86 Ham radio troposcater and link_budget
- SDIAL112.ZIP 50591 05-31-89 Stardial ver 1.12 extras_Starlink autodialer
- SENDDISK.ZIP 8648 11-09-88 Makes a bit copy of disk to send over phone
- SERIAL_1.ZIP 5164 05-14-90 TURBO-C ++ Code showing how to use the com
- | port. Good examples of classes
- SET2400.ZIP 1919 05-12-86 Configure Hayes 2400 pseudo dip switches
- SET8250.ZIP 2293 01-25-88 Set mode and find any 8250 UARTS
- SHDIALER.ZIP 28710 10-09-87 Communication dialer program.
- SHRTWAVE.ZIP 15056 01-09-86 Shortwave listen schedule/info/pgm (txt. doc+
- SIGTIPS.ZIP 4836 01-09-87 IBMsig tips for the source
- SKHST101.ZIP 102019 03-17-91 SuperK HST v1.01 High Speed external protocol
- SL.ZIP 28947 08-28-87 System log. w timestamp notation.
- SLASHPRO.ZIP 4179 05-11-87 Bar menu for ProComm
- SLICK13.ZIP 20532 06-21-89 Comm term designed for single floppy users
- SLICK20.ZIP 26069 07-01-89 ProComm move over, slick terminal has arrived
- Communication Programs
- Location Of Files 001B
- SLRN_110.ZIP 37369 07-22-90 Roub's Telix salt script writer v. 1.10
- SMARTAB.ZIP 12794 11-06-88 Smart communications _ auto-downloading
- SMARTCM.ZIP 3229 06-13-88 Auto_download project for use w Smart Comm.
- SPA.ZIP 37216 09-27-89 Serial port analyzer
- STAR14.ZIP 79666 07-29-89 Latest "navigation" program for Starlink
- STARDL31.ZIP 76300 10-04-89 Starlink dialer ver 3.1 (Pay service)
- SUMMLOG.ZIP 16223 05-31-88 Summary of PCPlus.fon file good uses
- SUPERK.ZIP 48595 11-05-88 Super 8k external protocol
- Communications Programs
- Location Of Files 001C
- SUPRK445.ZIP 140720 08-16-90 SuperK external protocols v.4.45, including
- | Super8K and Jmodem.
- SZMOD131.ZIP 230168 01-22-91 SZmodem v1.31 *New Protocol* Allows multi-
- | tasking during file transfers.
- | *This protocol is supported by Data Express*
- SZMOD141.ZIP 227604 01-29-91 Zmodem-compatible protocol more features
- Communications Programs
- Location Of Files 001B
- T300PAT2.ZIP 5883 07-18-88 Fix telix 3.0 file xfer hang bug
- T3TOOLS.ZIP 51095 11-28-88 Telix 3.xx utilities. excellent_
- TADEX111.ZIP 9960 05-12-89 Timed auto d/l for telix _ exec_pc.
- TADEX112.ZIP 10048 05-14-89 Utilities for telix comm 3.11
- TALKCOM.ZIP 68289 04-15-88 Nice communications program
- TASC30.ZIP 44988 01-22-88 Telix script file generator
- Communications Programs
- Location Of Files 001C
- TASYV419.ZIP 31147 09-11-90 A streaming file transfer protocol for high
- | speed MNP modems.
- Communication Programs
- Location Of Files 001B
- TEF.ZIP 10277 02-21-86 Timed execution facility for ProComm 2.4
- TEKTERM.ZIP 78291 07-31-86 Terminal emulator: 4010 and vt_100. good_
- TEL3MENU.ZIP 28717 07-25-88 Puts a neat 2_line menu atop Telix 3.xx
- TELELOG1.ZIP 68993 02-22-87 Automatically log calls made w/ ProComm 2/87
- TELINK.ZIP 3384 08-03-86 Telink protocol description
- TELIXANA.ZIP 9542 02-03-90 This program analyzes Telix's Telix.use file
- TELIXDOC.ZIP 3810 06-06-88 Press release on the newest Telix prog.
- TELLOG.ZIP 21435 10-01-87 Log your voice telephone calls
- TELX0689.ZIP 70944 05-31-89 Telix dialing dirs for 6/89 "thelist"
- TELXAUTO.ZIP 2172 03-03-87 Telix auto download script
- TELXDOWN.ZIP 2172 03-03-87 Auto down-loader for Telix
- TENDEM2X.ZIP 81068 02-03-91 Operate a PC remotely via modem
- TERM310.ZIP 82968 08-25-85 Comm prog for TI Professional
- TFE_220.ZIP 75862 07-22-90 Roub's Telix fon editor v. 2.20
- TIMIT10.ZIP 11938 05-12-90 Time it 1.0 / time your Starlink or PCP usage
- TINYCOMM.ZIP 11183 12-13-86 Worlds smallest comm prgm. _ educational
- TINYTALK.ZIP 2668 07-11-86 Tiny communications program.
- TLX311MS.ZIP 10480 02-13-87 Mouse menus for Telix 3.11. nice.
- TLX311NG.ZIP 132239 04-05-89 Norton guide for Telix 3.11 salt and RS-232
- Communications Programs
- Location Of Files 001C
- TLX315_1.ZIP 151023 04-02-91 Telix communications program version 3.15
- TLX315_2.ZIP 123782 04-02-91 Telix comm program part 2 of 3
- TLX315_3.ZIP 63538 04-02-91 Telix comm program part 3 of 3
- Communications Programs
- Location Of Files 001B
- TLX3AUTO.ZIP 3595 07-11-88 Auto generate script files Telix 3.0
- TLX3SLTB.ZIP 1980 10-29-88 Brief script doc for Telix 3.1
- TLX3SORT.ZIP 17194 07-13-88 Sort Telix 3.0 directories
- TLXFILES.ZIP 4059 02-19-89 Telix software support bbs files feb 89
- TLXHOST.ZIP 13064 01-02-89 Enhanced Telix host script
- TLXLC10.ZIP 16068 02-19-88 Cnvrt bbs list to Telix dialing drctry
- Communications programs
- Location Of Files 001C
- TLXMOD30.ZIP 1449 07-05-88 Gets rid of opening screen - Telix 3.0
- TLXMOD31.ZIP 1485 10-17-88 Eliminate opening screen Telix ver. 3.1
- TLXNEW.ZIP 632 08-05-89 Capture new files on EXEC PC-(telix 3.11 slt)
- TLXPCLIB.ZIP 565 08-13-88 Telix 3.0 pc library script file example
- TLXPCP20.ZIP 20497 04-25-89 Interface a dialer v2.0 with Telix v3.11-
- TLXSET02.ZIP 7005 01-17-89 Excellent Telix 3.11 setup instructions
- TLXSORT2.ZIP 8796 04-12-87 Telix fone list sorter - very flexible
- TLXTIME.ZIP 3778 09-12-88 Use tlx to call Navy and set pc clock
- TLXUM_C.ZIP 8488 02-03-91 SLT files to interface DSZ with Telix
- TMCPL.ZIP 34580 03-09-88 Modem contproller program
- TMJR21.ZIP 34845 06-11-86 A good term prgm for the jr internal
- TPPEXE11.ZIP 33591 10-31-88 Telix 3.11_PC Pursuit auto_dial script.
- TP_ALGO.ZIP 10213 05-27-86 Procedural algorithms in turbo prolog
- TRMAST16.ZIP 100762 08-12-90 Transfer master version 1.6
- TS440C.ZIP 27556 01-17-88 Ham radio_control pgm for Kenwood TS440
- TSHARE.ZIP 13306 01-10-91 Run commumctns in background/Multitsk
- TSRDIAL.ZIP 44078 11-22-86 TSR dialer in QBASIC 2.0
- TSTHAYES.ZIP 1698 02-08-86 Hayes Smartmodem switch tester (bas)
- TTALK13.ZIP 2662 05-05-86 Tiny talk 1.3_worlds smallest comm. pgm
- TTYASC.ZIP 25733 08-08-88 Transfer files between computers, turbo b
- TXHST.ZIP 33338 07-20-89 Setup up Telix with an HST modem
- TX_HST11.ZIP 33326 05-03-89 Latest HST setup for Telix comm program
- Communications
- Location of files 001C
- UC_20.ZIP 166515 01-10-91 Unicomm good communications prgm
- ULTRA3.ZIP 35570 03-01-86 The newest and last war games redialer
- UNIKERM.ZIP 11959 10-30-86 Old simple but good UNIX Kermit w/C src
- USBBS78.ZIP 50539 11-01-90 List of BBS's around the country.
- USEZMODE.ZIP 1255 04-11-88 Description of using Zmodem protocol
- USR42BIS.ZIP 36023 08-11-90 Tired of waiting for USR ? Here's how to do
- | your own V42BIS upgrade.
- VERSA.ZIP 46714 04-23-87 Menu system for PC_Pursuit/ProComm
- VIP.ZIP 73443 07-24-86 Communications software w scrolling
- VOLKSMON.ZIP 3055 04-16-87 Line monitor for sync/async data
- WARDIAL.ZIP 32640 04-30-86 Auto phone dialer
- WARPCOMM.ZIP 66800 01-25-91 The Warp communications library
- WCOMM15.ZIP 37004 03-23-87 Xmodem under MS Windows v0.15
- WCOMM18.ZIP 50512 06-11-87 Proteus comm pkg. for Windows ver 1.03
- WHTPRT38.ZIP 7247 12-08-90 What comm ports do I have in this machine
- WINEGA.ZIP 41327 12-09-86 EGA 752x410 Windows driver ...
- WINREAD.ZIP 73399 11-12-90 Offline Mail Reader for Windows
- WQVT430.ZIP 126970 07-02-90 WinQVT v4.3 - A DEC VT220/102/52 terminal
- | emulator and communications program for
- | MS-Windows.
- WTERM107.ZIP 44037 03-30-91 \/\/-Term v1.07 - Bare bones comm program -
- | useful to those that have limited disk and
- | or memory space.
- WWIVSCRP.ZIP 774 06-13-89 Telix log_on script for WWIV 4.07 system
- WXMODEM.ZIP 19919 09-19-88 Use Windowed Xmodem with any term prog
- WXMODEM4.ZIP 39370 11-06-86 Windowed Xmodem protocol prgm w/ turbo src
- WXM_TERM.ZIP 40074 10-16-86 Windowed Xmodem _ C_source
- WXTERMSR.ZIP 40074 10-16-86 WXmodem protocol implementation t.p. source
- XCELPC.ZIP 74838 12-25-86 Very good script for PC Pursuit ProComm
- XCELPCP.ZIP 74838 12-25-86 PC_Pursuit / ProComm cmd. file
- XFER150.ZIP 34058 08-15-86 Transfer files in Xmodem/Ymodem with host
- XFER39.ZIP 81291 12-11-90 Transfer v3.9 - File transfer shell for Comm
- | programs that supports 24 different protocols
- XMODEM31.ZIP 15322 01-10-91 Xmodem vers.. 3.1 run with Xtalk16
- XTALKDIL.ZIP 878 05-31-87 Xtalk script file to re dial until connected
- XTALKTIP.ZIP 7673 03-28-86 Xtalk command script writing tips
- XTK36A.ZIP 23780 02-22-87 Xtalk utilities
- XTK36MEN.ZIP 26619 02-26-86 X_talk menu program
- YAMD1755.ZIP 155118 03-14-90 Omen tech Professional_YAM/PC demo version _
- YMOD100.ZIP 30848 09-09-90 Ymodem batch/ Ymodem_G standalone program
- ZBOOT16.ZIP 18437 03-14-90 DSZ interface w/ crash/file recovery
- ZBUDDY23.ZIP 47324 12-11-88 Newest version_ 1 Zmodem utility yet_
- ZC1750D.ZIP 196494 01-22-90 Zcomm v17.50 documentation _ file 1 of 3
- ZC1750E.ZIP 152760 01-22-90 Zcomm v17.50 executables _ file 2 of 3
- ZC1750H.ZIP 93364 01-22-90 Zcomm v17.50 online help _ file 3 of 3
- ZC1752E.ZIP 158672 02-18-90 Omen Tech's Zcomm v17.52 executables
- ZC1755E.ZIP 154358 03-14-90 Omen Tech zcomm v17.55 executables 14 mar 90
- ZCOMD289.ZIP 188440 02-23-89 Manual for Zcomm v17 40, dated 2_23_89
- ZCOME789.ZIP 140662 07-06-89 Forsberg's Zcomm comm program, v17 41
- ZCOMH489.ZIP 93350 04-20-89 Pop_up help for Zcomm comm, dated 4_20_89
- ZCOMMDOC.ZIP 155661 10-26-87 Comm.prog. w Zmodem internal. docs only
- ZCOMMEXE.ZIP 140280 04-24-89 Omen Tech's Zcomm 04/24/89 main executable
- ZCOMMHLP.ZIP 93350 04-20-89 Help files for Zcomm, by Omen Technology
- ZDOC0113.ZIP 21181 01-13-89 Complete doc on using Zmodem transfers
- ZDOC0529.ZIP 6435 05-29-87 Excellent docs. on DSZ Zmodem release
- ZDOCNEW.ZIP 201720 10-07-87 Zcomm documentation rev 9 25 87
- ZHOWTO.ZIP 2446 05-24-87 How to implement Zmodem protocol
- ZIP11.ZIP 4720 04-30-88 PC to PC file transfer over serial cable
- ZIP14.ZIP 14918 10-01-89 Send files via a null modem to a computer
- ZLOAD45.ZIP 31424 11-01-88 Loads zmodem Jmodem into comm rev 4.5
- ZMAX.ZIP 42017 07-23-90 Faster Than Zmodem?
- ZMAX100B.ZIP 60829 08-26-90 Zmax _ a Zmodem driver with 'c' source
- ZMDM33.ZIP 7321 02-07-86 Modem for the Zenith z_100 computer
- ZMDMXTK4.ZIP 7344 05-21-88 Zmodem protocol for Crosstalk mrk 4
- ZMOD400.ZIP 30219 09-09-90 Zmodem 4.00 from Micro Tech systems
- ZMODEM.ZIP 54684 03-15-88 Zmodem protocol docs with c source
- ZMODEM1.ZIP 7587 02-04-89 Talk on Zmodem.with Chuck Foresbeurg.
- ZMODMEG.ZIP 6290 03-09-88 Good text on Zmodem/Megalink
- ZSCRIPTS.ZIP 6318 12-28-88 Use with mirrors III and Zmodem transfer
- Z_PLUS.ZIP 34913 02-19-88 How to use Zmodem w/ProComm plus...